Maintenance, Operations & Transportation

Welcome to the MJUSD Maintenance and Transportation Departments!

The Board of Trustees recognizes that one of its major responsibilities is to provide healthful, safe and adequate facilities that enhance the instructional program.  The Board shall endeavor to make the provision of adequate school facilities a priority in the District.  Because the schools serve as a focal point for the community, the Board shall also strive to ensure that District facilities fit harmoniously and attractively into their neighborhoods and have flexibility of design to meet future educational and community needs. 

The Maintenance and Transportation Departments provide safe and clean facilities and transportation for Modoc Joint Unified School District students.  

Maintenance, Operations & Transportation

Teach To:  Students at Alturas Elementary School learn about correct bus behavior and safety.

Bus transportation is a privilege extended only to students who display good conduct while preparing to ride, riding or leaving the bus.  Continued disorderly conduct or persistent refusal to submit to the authority of the driver shall be sufficient reason for a student to be denied transportation.