Another Sport's Physical Option for our student-athletes. Thank you MMC. #teamwork
over 1 year ago, Kristen Budmark
over 1 year ago, Kristen Budmark
Tonight's Fall Athletic Meeting is for info, scheduling and assistance with the Home Campus athletic clearance paperwork. It is not mandatory, but it will be helpful. All athletic paperwork will now be completed on the Home Campus platform and must be completed prior to tryouts.
over 1 year ago, Kristen Budmark
home campus
Free Athletic Physicals happening on 8/8/2023! Necessary forms for this physical
over 1 year ago, Kristen Budmark
athletic physicals
MHS Upward Bound kiddos went whale watching today! After visiting college campuses in Monterey & Santa Cruz, they are in Long Beach today. #upwardbound #mhskiddos
over 1 year ago, Kristen Budmark
Long Beach
Familias de MHS, a partir del año escolar 2023-24, haremos la transición de nuestro paquete atlético de papel a un formato en línea más simple y simplificado utilizando Home Campus en Nuestro paquete deportivo pasará de 19 páginas físicas a solo 1 página física. Esta página es la página que tiene el doctor que administra el examen físico deportivo a su hijo o hija firmar. Esta página es la única que tienen que subir por foto del documento a Home Campus, el resto de las formas estarán disponibles para ser firmadas digitalmente en Home Campus. Esto hace que el proceso de obtener la autorización de su estudiante atleta para participar en los deportes sea mucho más simple y rápida. Este proceso se puede hacer en su computadora, tableta o teléfono móvil. La infografía adjunta a esta publication les ayudará a recorrer el proceso, al igual que nuestra reunión del 13 de julio a las 530 p. m. en el Salón Social de la escuela. Si tiene alguna pregunta sobre la transición al Home Campus, no dude en ponerse en contacto con el Director Atlético Rafael Sevilla en cualquier momento al 530 515 5032. ¡Gracias!
over 1 year ago, Kristen Budmark
CORRECTION: volleyball tryouts will be held at the MMS gym. Our gym is closed until 7/24 for maintenance in floors. Volleyball Tryouts are scheduled for July 17-18th in the MHS Gym from 5:30-7:30 PM. If you are unable to make these dates and still want the opportunity to play, please contact Coach Sandage PRIOR to tryouts. Coach Sandage 530-640-0095.
over 1 year ago, Kristen Budmark
Reminder! Our Fall Athletic Info & Paperwork Meeting will be held on Thursday, July 13th @ 5:30 pm in the Social Hall. We will be answering questions, handing out schedules and completing paperwork digitally on HomeCampus. See ya there!
over 1 year ago, Kristen Budmark
MHS Upward Bound students at UC Santa Cruz! Fun Alturas Beauty competed in the first Miss California Pageant in the 20s. In Santa Cruz! #bravesonthemove
over 1 year ago, Kristen Budmark
A few Lady Braves went to volleyball camp at OSU to work on their games. Proud of you, ladies!
over 1 year ago, Kristen Budmark
VB camp
VB camp
MHS families, starting with the 2023-24 school year we will be transitioning our paper Athletic Packet to a simpler more streamlined online format using Home Campus at Our athletic packet will go from 19 physical pages to just 1 physical page. This one page is the page you have the doctor that administers the sports physical to your child, sign. This one page is the only upload you will be required to submit onto Home Campus, the rest of the forms will be available to be digitally signed on Home Campus making the process of getting your student athlete cleared to participate in athletics much more simple and fast. This process can be done on your computer, tablet or mobile phone too. The infographic attached to this post will help you walk through the process as will our July 13 meeting at 530pm in the Social Hall. If you have any questions with about the transition to Home Campus, please feel free to contact Athletic Director Rafael Sevilla at any time at 530 515 5032. Thank you! #braveathletics
over 1 year ago, Kristen Budmark
Our Athletic Paperwork & Informational meeting will be held on July 13 at 5:30 pm in the Social Hall. Time will be given to ask questions, fill out paperwork & receive fall schedules. See ya there!
over 1 year ago, Kristen Budmark
So proud of these guys & their camp accomplishment! Adin Benson and Emmett Pedotti were named Gridiron Elite players at camp. Only 14 players received this award of the 300+ players! Adin also received Defensive Line MVP honors! Well done, fellas! #bold #brave
over 1 year ago, Kristen Budmark
Lady Braves Basketball showing up and working hard to prep for our season! #getitgirls
over 1 year ago, Kristen Budmark
Woohoo! Modoc boys at the Marcus Trufant Camp in Tacoma, Washington!
over 1 year ago, Kristen Budmark
Come be part of the heartbeat of our school! #squad
over 1 year ago, Kristen Budmark
Coach Albright & our Lady Brave basketball girls went 2-2 at U-Prep, beating Fall River & Foothill. Good things on the horizon! #ladybraves
over 1 year ago, Kristen Budmark
girls bb
Upward Bound Kiddos on the move! Today...Grants Pass after a week of visiting cohort campuses. #bravesonthemove
over 1 year ago, Kristen Budmark
MHS Summer School Credit Recovery is almost 25% complete! Well done teachers & students!
over 1 year ago, Kristen Budmark
MHS Soccer tryouts will be held on July 24-25 at 5:30 pm. Remember, you must be academically eligible to participate and the athletic packet must be complete. See Coach Floerke or AD Sevilla with questions.
over 1 year ago, Kristen Budmark